Application To apply to the StreetLeader program click here to download the application to drop off, or apply below. StreetLeader Application Name* First Middle Last Birthday* MM slash DD slash YYYY Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Home Phone*Cell Phone*Email* Gender* Male Female Non Disclosed Current Grade*School Attending* What is your Grade Point Average (GPA)?*What GPA would you like to graduate from high school with?*Emergency Contact Person (Parent or Guardian)Name* First Last Relationship to you* Phone*What position are you applying for? (select one or more)*StreetLeaderAssistant Team LeaderTeam LeaderWhat is your t-shirt size?* S M L XL XXL 3XL How did you hear about UrbanPromise?*Do you have any exisiting medical conditions that we should be aware of if you get the job?*Do you have any allergies?*What leadership qualities do you posses or would like to develop?*What is your purpose for wanting to be a StreetLeader?*What are your strengths as a leader?*What are your weaknesses as a leader?*What experience have you had working with children?*How would you be a positive influence on the children in the after school program or summer camp?*Why should UrbanPromise hire you?*Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? (at church, in the community, or at school) What are your career goals? (What would you like to be doing 10 years from now other than sports?)Previous work history:The most recent job, if you have been employedCompany Name PhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Supervisor's Name First Last Position References that we may contactTeacher, Pastor, Previous Employer or Counselor(1) Name First Last (1) Phone(1) Position (2) Name First Last (2) Phone(2) Position Use this space to add any other information you think we should know. I certify that all above listed information is true and correct. I understand that supplying false information will result in immediate termination. Δ