“You are fearfully and wonderfully made, God has big plans for your life, and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!” This was the message that we shared with the students before, during, and at the end of the trip.
Throughout the day it was beautiful to see the students connecting with each other, the volunteers and staff from UrbanPromise and the members of The District Church.

First, we toured the African American History Museum with friends from the District Church. The Museum was moving, raw, and real. Seeing volunteers who work with our StreetLeaders each week during tutoring connect and share her experiences with the students was amazing to witness.
Next, we went to The District Church’s Office where the Black Affinity Group had lunch waiting for us. There we heard from an Emergency Room Doctor, Federal Court Clerks, The Head of DC’s Psychiatric Hospitals, a staffer to the Obama Administration, members of the intelligence community, researchers at NIH, a DC Special Needs Teacher, an entrepreneur, lawyers who work in various federal agencies, and other professionals. We also heard from PHDs, MDs, and Master educated people of color from Oxford, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, and other institutions. Two of these professionals came in carrying their suitcases, just landing from out of town business, yet making the students a priority and coming directly to share their time and experiences.
All these individuals offered to help the students in anyway afterwards: from talking with students about going into medicine or law, reading and editing college essays, or networking. Many of them serve on national and local boards, and have deep and wide networks. It was such a blessing that they were so willing to help students who they had met for the first time.
We hope to continue to build relationships like this and to expand our horizons.