Join us for our VIRTUAL Banquet!
Thursday, October 22
Friends, although we can’t gather together to fellowship, we have planned a cyber substitute to our in-person banquet, which is one of the most important and beautiful events of the year in our community. It gives glory to God, and reminds us that our love for one another is at the heart of what we do.
Thank you for your on-going partnership, and we hope you will join us on Thursday, October 22. See details below. Because this event is free, consider inviting a friend!
We are especially excited this year to have the opportunity for supporters near and far to join the celebration!
Let us know you plan to attend by clicking the button below.

UrbanPromise Virtual Banquet
October 22, 2020
6:45 pm Gathering Time
7 pm Banquet Begins
On the night of the event, check back here to join us!
Interested in hosting a Virtual Viewing Party?
Find out more information by emailing Lori McClain HERE