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Bring storytelling workshops to Urban Promise School and Academy

The Delaware Division of the Arts has given the Urban Promise School a grant for two workshops with a professional storyteller named Michael Forestieri. Please visit his website (www.tellitlikeitis.com) to see how Michael uses theatrical creativity and his art of storytelling to teach valuable life lessons to students of all ages.

Each workshop is seven weeks long with three classes per week in each of three classes i.e. 4th grade, Middle School and the Academy, which is the Urban Promise high school. The first workshop is for the purpose of improving writing, and the second workshop is to improve students’ public speaking skills. Each workshop uses the art of storytelling to achieve its goals.

The Delaware Division of the Arts pays 75% of the cost, which means that the Urban Promise Schools need to raise the additional 25%. Please help us to raise this money by joining the contributors who have pledged $350 thus far. The total amount we need to raise is $1100.

If you would like to partner with the students at Urban Promise School and Academy to make these workshops a reality, please donate using the link below or mail a check to Urban Promise with a memo for the storyteller.

Online donation system by ClickandPledge

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