This year I got to go on the spring break trip with Camp Victory to Boston. It was my second time going on the trip. Spring break in Boston was fun and exciting! The children’s museum, science museum, and aquarium were all really cool. I probably wouldn’t go to the art museum again. You can’t touch anything. My favorite memory was playing with the host family. They had a dog and everything! At the end of the trip we gave each other presents. We gave the girls mustache glasses, because the older girl likes mustaches, and they gave us hoodies like they get every year on vacation. I’m really glad Mr. Aaron has a picture of us with them on his phone so I can look at it and remember them. When I got home, I told my family all about the museums, the skywalk, visiting Harvard, making funny videos, and the horse. On the first day we saw a park ranger horse named Fred, and it farted while we were petting it. That was another funny part.
4th grade
For more pictures of their trip, check out the Facebook Album