Dear friend,
“I like to say I’m the Director of Adventure.” That’s how UP’s UrbanTrekkers Director, Carolyn Keefe sums up her job. Carolyn takes UP’s vision for full life in Christ for Wilmington’s youth, and infuses it into outdoor experiences that are challenging, life-giving, and just plain fun.
UrbanTrekkers gives youth opportunities to discover and know more of the world and to be known as belonging in it.
Rock climbing will take place this Saturday morning. Two Saturdays ago, 6 kids camped in tents in crisp weather under the stars. In October, several teens took part in a bike-repair workshop and bike olympics in partnership with Urban Bike Project. In every case, they are awakened to new skills, new sites and sounds, and new relationships. Their eyes are opened to a confidence that spurs them on to ask questions, seek knowledge, and to be alive in new ways. All possible because of your support!
On #GivingTuesday, UrbanPromise is raising $7,500 for kids to experience more outdoor adventures, relationships, and full life. This is your chance to partner with us to make that happen. Here’s what you can do:
- Go to this link and donate to support UrbanTrekkers in Wilmington!
- Forward this email to a friend and invite them to support UrbanTrekkers at UP!
- Follow UrbanPromise Wilmington on Instagram and Facebook. Then like, comment, share, and tag the #GivingTuesday posts so more people in your networks learn about UrbanTrekkers!
Thank you for your partnership in bringing full life in Christ to Wilmington’s children!